It is with great pleasure that BlueSun Travel is now engaged in helping to develop Aboriginal Tours & Cultural Experiences, not just in Perth, but throughout Western Australia. Watch this space for some truly unique and engaging experiences that people of all ages can enjoy.
Aboriginal Tours dig deep into Western Australian culture and history. Most of them are 100% owned and operated by indigenous people providing a window to a world that is based upon thousands of years of tradition.
As the Elders of yesterday sat around the camp fires passing on stories of Nyoongar Culture, Ceremony and History, today they are guided by their spirits to continue the ancient practice.
Our signature tour is the "Ancient Gateway to a Modern City" walking tour. We also provide a range of Aboriginal cultural tourism services, story telling, Ceremonies, presentations, cultural awareness training and customised experiences.
Cultural activity experiences can include walk on country by the shores of the spectacular Derbal Yerrigan (Swan River) overlooking Perth City, Matagarup Bridge and the Optus Stadium Precinct; hearing stories of how the Nyoongar People lived with-in the natural environment; the importance of culture, language, values, relationships, responsibilities, a shared purpose, wisdom, knowledge and social structures; seeing Nyoongar cultural influence in the development of the Optus Stadium Precinct and Matagarup Bridge, welcomes to Country and smoking ceremonies.
In the very near future, BlueSun Travel will release a completely new program featuring land and water based events.
For more information on our Aboriginal Tours details, call 1300 799 758.

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